Friday, April 27, 2007

~ Happy Friday ~

Nothing much happening around these parts. Its been pretty dull due to excessive toothaches. ;D I'm doing better and spending time reading, pondering and knitting. I'll be back next week w/updates on my "Spring Reading Thingy" since I've finished a book or two. I want to add some new quotes too and get back into the meme's I love so much.

Until then, have an awesome weekend!

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

~ Comfort Cafe ~

There is a need and I'd like my friends to prayerfully consider how they may be a blessing. Please read the following, visit the website and ask the Lord what He'd have you do. This is a wonderful internet community and I've learned and received alot from them. I encourage you to visit and take a moment to enjoy, then share it on your blog.

~ Be Blessed ~

Do you have a heart for hurting women? Comfort Cafe is a growing online ministry and we’d love your help. The following positions are open:

Staff Writer for bi-monthly column: Maintain our new blog targeting women’s ministry leaders. Offer tips for everything from retreat theme ideas to speaker services links to Bible Study or book reviews. Goal: serve the leaders who minister to women to gain an open door to reaching the hurting.Commitment: Meeting bi-monthly deadlines, research as needed.

Internet Researcher: Develop and continually update our Resource Center (Help for the Hurting pages). Do the research for women who are looking for answers to their problems. Provide invaluable information that may literally save someone’s life.Commitment: 1-5 hours weekly

Other areas you can help:Be a Laison—Connect us to your church or churches in your area. Very easy, basically zero time commitment and a HUGE help! Tell your Women’s Ministry Director about us. Give her our promotional material (which we’ll send to you).

Bloggers—help us get the word out about Comfort Cafe. Also, send us your tips on how you draw readers to your blog at We still have so much to learn about maximizing internet presence. We want to be as effective as possible for the kingdom!

Marketing assistance—Do you have experience with the media? Help us strategize a plan on how to spread the word on Comfort Cafe through all forms of media, churches, creative promotionals, etc.

Skilled writers—we are always looking for devotionals, relevant articles, and life stories.

Prayer warriors—pray for Comfort Cafe’s staff as well as those who “walk through our doors.”

Interested? Send an email to, write “Volunteer” in the subject line, and tell us how you’d like to help.
Ruth Wood

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~ Thankful Thursday ~

"Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart,
Give Thanks to the Holy One,
Give Thanks cause He's given Jesus Christ,
His Son." (~ Don Moen)

I've got alot to be thankful for this week. Yes sir, I must say that I do. Hmm, whats up with the "yes sir" I wonder. Oh well, on to my thankfulness.

1. my KTC swap partner ~ she sent such lovely gifts. you can read about it in a previous post.
2. my SP10 buddy ~ she sent me a gift set with a stitch markers, a pin and magnet. you can read about that over at my crafty
3. the internet ~ for the ability to meet such wonderful people and share with each no matter where we live.
4. ecards ~ for the ones I received from both my KTC and SP10 partners.
5. Lion Brand Co ~ they have awesome yarn and I just stumbled across their ecards which are art prints. I really like these.

Most of all, I am thankful for another opportunity to say "thank you" to all of those who make my life full, joyful and a pleasure to live. May the Lord richly bless all of you, even those of you I don't know yet. ;D

Have an awesome day!

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~ My Swap Package ~

Woohoo! I got my package from my KTC Swap partner. Yes sir, that there package was very nice, if I say so myself. Looka here, see all thats inside, then go on over and show some love to Pooch for being such a blessing. ;)

Books ~ Knit One, Kill Two & Unashamed

Goodie Bag ~ Stitch Counter, Christmas Stocking Point Protectors, Darning Needles w/case and Topaz colored Stitch Markers

Inside Book ~ Book Thong marker

Yarn Love ~ 16 oz of 100% Rayon in Green, Gold, Purple and ..... I'll take another pic once I wound it.

I am truly blessed and look forward to reading my books. I have both of these on my TBR list and K1K2 is ready for pickup at the library. LOL The stitch markers are special to me because they are my birthstone color. I had just been contemplating whether to buy the darning needle kit. Looks like I won't have to. Now that Book Thong ~ now thats something one doesn't see very often. Its great and I'm going to enjoy using it. ;D

Pooch, thank you very much for such lovely and thoughtful gifts. Have an awesome day!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

~ More Swap Fun ~

I joined another swap ~ its the Book and Bookmark Swap. It sounds like lots of fun and I'm looking forward to meeting new people and books.

Here is my Wish List:

My favorite authors ~ Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, Thomas Kinkaid, Robin Gunn Jones, T. Davis Bunn, there are more please see my blog profile

My hobbies... ~ reading, blogging/writing, crocheting, cross-stitch, sewing, bird watching

My favorite books.. ~ My Bible study books and the SisterChicks series
My books I want to read... ~ hmm, list too long to put here. I'll think of one or two and add later

My books I don't like.... ~ horror stories
My favorite type [sci-,romance,ect....]
~ mystery and christian fiction
My favorite colors...
~ reds
My allergies... ~ hazelnut and some cat dander
My favorite pets... ~ my dog "poochie"
My favorite scents...
~ vanilla and amber
Other stuff about me... ~ I'm a wife and mother of 3 ~ 2 dds and 1 ds. I homeschool the younger 2 dc, oldest has graduated. I work part-time and am helping my dh start a home business. I love books, teaching and music. I volunteer alot and would love to become a professional volunteer. I enjoy being with people, going to concerts, hanging out w/my dc and listening to books on tape/cd while working on a project. You can read more from my previous swap questionaire here.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

~ Something to Think About ~

"Be careful for nothing; but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made know to God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all
understanding, shall keep your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus."
Phil 4:6, 7

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Monday, April 02, 2007

~In Other Words~

"At the heart of the story
stands the cross of Christ
where evil did its worst
and met its match."

Aren't you grateful for all He's done? I know I am.
Lord, thank you for the cross, for the sacrifice you made for me when I knew you not. I humbly surrender all to you, my King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Thank Him for what He has done for you. Join us.

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About me
