~Something to Think About~
Laziness and Slothfulness
Don't Allow Either in Your Life!*
"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them
who through faith and patience inherit
the promises. " Hebrews 6:12
Prayer for Today*:
Lord, help me understand how totally unacceptable it is for me to lose my passion, momentum, and desire. I ask You to forgive me for allowing any hint of slothfulness to operate in my life. Today I repent and deliberately turn from slothfulness. Holy Spirit, I turn to You now and ask You to stir and reignite the fire in my heart. Please help me regain the zeal, the thrust, and the fire I once possessed. Help me to keep that fire burning this time, never to lose it again. I pray this in Jesus' name! Amen
* ~ Rick Renner (Sparkling Gems from the Greek)