Sunday, February 25, 2007

~ In Other Words ~

"If I'd abandon all that seeks
to make my faith informed and chic,
could You, would You,
show Yourself to me?"
~ Nichole Nordeman~

This is truly something to think about on the heels of my despondency. I haven't had to deal with living my faith "informed or chic" but I am having to pray and lead my dc not to follow such a path. I truly believe that when we surrender our all to Him without all the baggage and strings the world has added to make it more appealing, we will see Him. He reveals Himself when we least expect, no need for us to be elaborate or impressive. He desires a meek and humble spirit fully trusting and believing that He is and will be all that we need Him to be.

Our father Abraham knew, Isaac knew, Jacob knew, Jesus knew, and Paul told us for he too knew. In order to see Him as He is, for Him to show Himself to us, we must first believe, trust and worship Him for who He is. It is awesome when He draws near. You know He's there, His presence is such a definite one that there is no mistaking it when He's near. He wants to be near to all His dc, He longs to show Himself to us so that we may know Him, trust Him and love Him as deeply as He loves us.

In the rush of life, working and homeschooling, I forgot the beauty of resting, inviting and receiving the Lord. I wasn't trying to conform my faith to any current ideas, I just let my faith become stagnant and un-exercised. I realize that most of my fatigue is directly related to my spiritual health.

Oh, the good news, He has drawn near today. Yes, today He has revealed Himself to me as I worshipped Him, as I gave Him the praise that was due His name, as I began to humble myself in the knowledge that I am nothing without Him and more than anything else "He loves me for who I am not what I do." Oh, I can say with a full heart that the Lord has made me glad this day that I know Him, that I choose to follow Him with my whole heart and as I do so, my dc will have an example of true worship so their faith will not be made informed or chic nor will they follow after things that are not of Him. I desire for us all, just as Paul, to walk circumspectly knowing what is our rightful calling in the Lord and to have an intimate relationship with Him ~ the Lord of Glory.

Lord, thank you for everything for you are truly awesome. You reach down to a wretched soul and you make it beautiful and whole. Lord, I want to see your Glory just as Abraham did and I long to see you face to face. You are an awesome God and I love you.

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~ Something to Think About ~

How great is our God
Sing with me how great is our God
and all will see how great
How great is our God
~ Chris Tomlin "Arriving"

This song spoke volumes of our Father's love to me. As I worship Him, in the splendor and majesty that is His alone, I invite you to join me. To raise your hands and hearts in surrender to our loving Father who is truly Great. For He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and worthy of all our praise.

~ Be Blessed ~

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

~Joy of the Lord~

Today I am rejoicing in the goodness of my Lord and thanking Him for His faithfulness and kindness toward me. I am grateful that I never give up even when I am despondent. He truly never leaves you nor forsakes you though you may feel alone ~ you never really are. What a blessed promise. Thank you, Lord for your goodness and your faithfulness.

As I was thinking about this, I began to sang one of my favorite songs which happens to be based on my favorite verse. I've listed part of it below, Enjoy!

The joy of the Lord will be my strength
I will not falter walking by faith
He is my shelter, I am not afraid
For the joy of the Lord is my strength

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Monday, February 19, 2007

"In Other Words"

"Those who read fast reap no more
advantage than a bee would by only
skimming over the surface of the flower,
instead of waiting to penetrate into it, and
extract its sweets."
~ Madame Jeanne Guyon ~

Hmm, now that I think about it, lately I've been quite like this bee when it comes to the Word of God. Thats not good, I know but I've been so out of it that I can't seem to sit down long enough to truly "penetrate into it." I know I'm missing the meat of the Word along with the "sweetness" of what God has for me but I've been so worn down that I just haven't done it. This quote is good food for thought, makes you sit down, chew on it a bit, look at it again and chew some more, just like I need to do with the Word of God.

I need refreshment, I need to take a new look at my life and allow the Holy Spirit to blow a fresh wind over my soul and spirit. I need God more now than I've ever in my life but I've been so despondent. This quote gave me a further glimpse into how far I've move away. I've been doing what is necessary, more like just enough and I need more. I need to dive in, to take full ownership of the Word of God and allow Him to renew my mind, my heart and my soul. Life can send you such a curve ball that you get lost in the midst of the cares. I am holding on though, I've not let go and I know in whom my help comes but I need to take these words seriously and spend more time with Him. Only then will I have the peace I desire and the answers to my questions.

Father, I come before You asking for your help. Lord, I desire a closer intimacy with you. I desire to penetrate the Word, to know fully what You have stored in it for me. To be able to extract the goodness, sweetness of Your Word and apply it to my circumstances. I long to be free of this place of mere existing and want to be living again in the fulness of Your presence. Thank you for your Word, for your precious Holy Spirit, and for giving me the peace that passes all understanding. You are an awesome God, and I love you.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"In Other Words"

"We are urgent about the body; He is about
the soul. We call for present comforts; He
considers our everlasting rest. And therefore
when He sends not the very things we ask,
He hears us by sending greater than we can
ask or think."

~ Richard Cecil ~

Isn't He awesome! I am so glad He is this way.
Share your thoughts, leave me a comment on what you think about this quote.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Absentee blogger

I've been spending less time online and more time in prayer, reading and relaxing since I quit my job. It has been a refreshing and enlightening time. I have much to share once I get my thoughts together. I have recently joined a couple of reading groups laterly and it has been fun to read w/others.

BestofAllBooks ~ is a yahoo group I join in Jan and we read Sense & Sensibility last month. I just finished it yesterday. I know, its Feb but I've been working on this for over a year and I finally got it done. I even managed to crochet a thing or two. You can check out the pic of one completed project here. This month, the group is reading "Eyre Affair" and I choose to read "Queen of Babble." I didn't enjoy it very much and still haven't decided how to rate it or review it. I'll have to think about it some more. You can check out the group using the link in my sidebar.

Knit the Classics ~ is the newest group I've joined and they read a book, then create a project based on it. I like this idea very much especially when it comes to the classic books. I don't knit much but am planning to learn more. You can visit the site using the link in my side bar.

Well, its past my bedtime for sure so I'll write more later in the week if not tomorrow.

~ Be Blessed ~

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

~Something to Think About~

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;
do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19

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