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Reflections of Childhood

Today, my dh and I found out that our 38th President has passed away. My dh's reaction was very somber. He said "they are dropping like flies." He was meaning many of the people we had grown to love and whom were anchors of our childhood were now dying. I told him that it was not unusual since it was their time but he thought differently. You see, it reminds us just how old we are getting when the people who were in their prime when we were children are now elderly citizens. It also means the close of an era too. Sometime ago, I had reconcile this issue within myself, therefore today's news was not a shock but a loving reminder of my past.

I remember clearly the day President Gerald R Ford took office. I remember where I was, I remember my teacher's name and the joy of being a kid. I vividly remember the election, because my maiden name is Ford and one of my classmates was Carter. Therefore, there was a mock election created within our classroom. Though the event was not very pleasant, the children were very mean especially when I (or should I say President Ford) loss. However, there was something special that came of that day ~ Carter and I became friends. Just as my hero did, I took my defeat gracefully and went home with a new friend. ;D

From that day to even now, I admire President Ford because he was willing to stand for what he believed. He didn't care what people thought of him and he remained true to his beliefs. My mind's eye has pictures of a smiling man who loved what he did and the people he did it for. His wife's, Betty, words sums up best what I feel in my heart, "His life was filled with love of God, his family and his country." Yes, it was, I saw it and felt it. Thank you, President Ford. Your life and work shall be remembered and cherished.

May the Lord continually bless his family and surround them with His peace as they walk a new path without their beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend.

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