Friday, March 30, 2007

~ Loving Kindness ~

I will "declare your lovingkindness in the morning,
And your faithfulness every night. (Ps 92:2)

Little late on my Thankful Thursday but better late than never.
I've got so much to be thankful for that I don't even know where to begin. So, I'll keep it simple ~ I'm most thankful for the loving kindness that has been shed toward me from:

~ my spoiler for SP10, she's a doll and is praying for me
~ my cyberfriends, you know who you are ~ thank you from the bottom of my heart
~ my bestest friend in all the world, who calls me weekly to check on me
~ my dear husband, who reminds me daily why I said yes 20yrs ago
~ my oldest dd, who lets me know that I'm appreciated not just as her mom

May the Lord richly bless all of you who have touched my life and shared of yourself w/me. I am forever grateful for the love you give and hope you know I love you all too and will daily pray for you.

Above all else, I am thankful for the loving kindness which my Lord sheds over me daily. Providing me with the covering, grace and protection I need to walk each day. Thank you for my special gift to see Kenneth Copeland today ~ I am blessed. Love you, Lord.

Have a great weekend!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Internet Cafe

Go on over and visit at the Cafe ~ you won't be disappointed.

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~In Other Words~

"Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before... either into a creature that is in harmony with God, ...or into one that is in a state of war with God. Each of us at each moment is progressing to the one state or the other."
~ C.S. Lewis ~Mere Christianity

Hmm, now this is something to think about. How many times a day does one make a choice. I know that I make several but never consider whether it would be in harmony with God or not in most cases. There are choices we make subconsciously and their are choices we make with our mind fully engaged. But can we truly say we make choices based on whether it would be in line with God or not. The answer isn't pretty but can be changed.

We all can change and move toward having our choices line up with God. But first we must be willing to do so. Most people will agree that we do things out of habit and don't really consider whether it would be something that would create harmony with God. Some people even say that is for pastors, missionaries and those who are called to the ministry. But it is for every believer who has been called to follow Christ. We are to work on becoming more like Christ in each and every situation. We are definitely a work in progress.

So how does one make choices that are in harmony with God? We must first be willing to change our thinking, be willing to surrender to the Lord in every area and then renew our mind. Yes, you will have to get out the old habits and put in new ones. You and I must spend time with the Lord, in His word and with those who are like-minded. I am working to return to this practice, I've fallen off the wagon. I am not perfect and I am grateful that I'm not expected to be so but I am pressing toward the mark like Paul encourages while forgetting those things that are behind so that I will have a closer, deeper and loving walk with the Lord. Yes, in harmony too. I have experienced the state of war that comes from going against the Lord's way and I don't like it. I know that I can change but sometimes I fall back on habit and do what is easy. Here in lies where I get in trouble and have wars to battle that could have been avoided. Praise God there is 1 John 1:9 for these times. I'm definitely a work in progress.

As I think on this quote more, I realize that as I make my choices in harmony with the Lord, I set the example for my dc to do the same. I realize that as I work to become more like Christ, they will too and we will all grow up into the full measure of Christ together. Wow, thats awesome. I am very thankful for a loving, forgiving and patient Lord. So, today I challenge us to memorize and act on Romans 12:1 & 2, so that making choices in harmony become a habit for us all.

Lord, thank you for your grace, your peace and patience. You are an awesome God and I am so thankful to know and be known by You. I seek to become more like you and to make choices that will bring glory and honor to You always. Amen!

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Monday, March 26, 2007

~Book Swap Questionaire~

Yarn, knitting, crocheting, and spinning:
1. What is your favorite type of yarn or fiber? cashmerino and soft acrylics
2. Any yarns or fibers you absolutely hate? no
3. Any type that you would love to try but haven't yet? sock yarn and silk
4. Any yarn allergies or sensitivities? no
5. Favorite colors?
6. What is your favorite type of thing to knit or crochet? (i.e., socks, lace, fair isle, shawls)
baby things ~ especially blankets
7. Any knitting tools you would love to have? have needles ~ open to suggestions
8. Favorite tools you already have? size 10 needles and g hook
9. Favorite knitting designer? Debbie Bliss so far
10. Favorite knitting book?
hmm, haven't picked one yet
11. Any knitting books or patterns you would like? Simply Baby, Yarn Girls Guide to Kid Knits, Baby Knits, Baby Knits for beginners, Candy Babies, Candy Blankets

1. Favorite foods/flavors? chinese & chocolate
~ yummy
2. Foods/favors you dislike? no
3. Any food allergies? no
4. Do you like tea or coffee? both

1. Favorite genre? mystery and christian fiction
2. Favorite authors? several ~ see my profile
3. Top three favorite books? only 3 huh ~ Sisterchicks Do the Hula, Cape Light, Jane Eyre
4. Anything you dislike to read? boring books
5. Do you like to listen to audiobooks? Cassette, cd or mp3 format? yes, cassette & cd for now
6. Do you enjoy nonfiction as well as fiction? yes, we homeschool

1. Other hobbies besides knitting or crocheting?
cross-stitch, bird watching, sketching, sightseeing, reading, blogging
2. Do you collect anything? lighthouses, books and band shirts/buttons
3. Favorite scent? sensual amber, sunflowers and vanilla
4. Any scent you dislike or are allergic to? allergic to some hazelnut
5. Music that you like? all, fav ~ christian

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

~Spring Reading Thingy~

I'm joining in the fun, though I missed the deadline for the cool drawing. Here is my list that I am hoping to get done:

Blind Assassin
The Joy Luck Club
Dante's Inferno
Mansfield Park
For the Children's Sake
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World
Body Clutter ~ this will have to wait
There are no shortcuts
Knit One, Kill Two
...there are a few more but my computer is not acting friendly so I"ll update tomorrow.

Join in the fun by clicking the above image.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

~ Rejoice ~

"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say, Rejoice."
Philipians 4:4

I've not been keeping up with most of the meme's I enjoy,
but this one has a special place in my heart.
This meme allows me to share the gratefulness of my heart.

I'm thankful for:
~ a God who cares about the little things in my life
~ a husband that is thoughtful when a girl needs chocolate
(I got 2 dairy milks ;D)
~ a peaceful atmosphere in my home and self
~ my devotional "One Hundred and One More Devotions for Homeschool Moms"
~ a Amazon wishlist
~ a cool, breezy day
~ favor during our time of need - currently w/o transportation
~ the joy in my heart as I share this with others

Have an awesome day!

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

~Something to Think About~

Laziness and Slothfulness
Don't Allow Either in Your Life!*

"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them
who through faith and patience inherit
the promises. " Hebrews 6:12

Prayer for Today*:
Lord, help me understand how totally unacceptable it is for me to lose my passion, momentum, and desire. I ask You to forgive me for allowing any hint of slothfulness to operate in my life. Today I repent and deliberately turn from slothfulness. Holy Spirit, I turn to You now and ask You to stir and reignite the fire in my heart. Please help me regain the zeal, the thrust, and the fire I once possessed. Help me to keep that fire burning this time, never to lose it again. I pray this in Jesus' name! Amen

* ~ Rick Renner (Sparkling Gems from the Greek)

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Something New for You

Introducing a new place for online inspiration

Sponsored by our wonderful friends at CWO.
Take a moment, grab a cup of joe, relax and
enjoy words that have been written just for you.
See ya there.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blessings of Today

It is the first mild day of March.
Each minute sweeter than before . . .
There is a blessing in the air . . .
~ William Wordsworth ~

Today is a new day, with new possibilities for new hopes and dreams and a day of expectancy. In the midst of the wonder of its newness is the assurance of those things familiar and dear. Therefore, I am not only thankful for all the many blessings that are filling and flowing in and through my life but for the very day itself.

On this 1st of March 2007, I am thankful for:
~ friends that seek to share your life with love, encouragement, support and sarcasm when appropriate
~ spending a morning with a friend over tea/coffee at Panera’s
~ for the ability to use my hands to make lovely things
~ to worship with my whole heart, mind and soul
~ for fun online groups like knit alongs and all the new friends on them
~ remembrance of today’s importance *the day I met my dh*
~ for my Lord and Savior, you are the best part of my day

May each of you have an awesome day and remember to be thankful even for the little things in our life

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