Random Thoughts
Its been quiet around here. I've not had much to blog about though I could easily write about my books read, the projects completed, the fact that we finished our school term or various sun dried items. But I've not said anything. I am pondering simplicity for my life. I currently have about 6 active blogs and I'm beginning to not enjoy keeping so many. I know several will have to remain active so that I can leave comments for my friends. However, I'm beginning to feel the need to simplify to 2 main blogs and just be. I want to keep this one ~ which is near and dear to my heart. The only change would be to add our school entries here. Since I focus on learning for this blog its only fitting to add our school stuff here. Yes, I know that would mean giving up my beloved Excelsior Warriors url but for the sake of my sanity and less is more, it will have to go. Its been a wonderful almost 2 yrs blogging but the thrill has faded and I must move on. I'm planning to make my crafty blog my homestead/craft/daily life blog, but the more I think about it ~ I may size down to just 1 blog or website. Hmm, don't know for sure yet but I'll keep you posted.
Have an awesome weekend!
"Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come." Jer 33:3 (NLT)