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Here I Stand Knocking

"One response was given by the innkeeper when Mary and Joseph wanted to find a room where the Child could be born. The innkeeper was not hostile; he was not opposed to them, but his inn was crowded; his hands were full; his mind was preoccupied. This is the answer that millions are giving today. Like a Bethlehem innkeeper, they cannot find room for Christ. All the accommodations in their hearts are already taken up by other crowding interests. Their response is not atheism. It is not defiance. It is preoccupation and the feeling of being able to get on reasonably well without Christianity."

This is so true of us today even those of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord. We still are pre-occupied with the things of the world and we sometimes, more often than we care to admit, miss God. I remember as a child being told that Jesus stands at the door of your heart knocking, will you let Him in? As I reflect on the fact that this quote has so much meaning and so many different things you could talk about, I still can hear in my heart one defining truth for us all.

What is the condition of your heart? Are you allowing Jesus in to do what He promised? Or are you trying to still be the Lord of your life though you have accepted Him as your Saviour?

Oh, I am not pointing fingers, don't misunderstand me. I am speaking to myself more than to any of you. I am that innkeeper ~ working, cleaning, thinking, tired and too pre-occupied to spend just 15 mins, let alone 1 hr at the feet of the Master. I have too much Martha and not enough Mary going on.

This is the time of year we all say "Jesus is the reason for the season," but it seems hollow this year. Its as if we have missed Him and His reason all year long and now we are trying to cram it into one day at the end of the year. I don't know about you but I really need to start cutting away things that keep me so busy that I miss a visit from the Lord. I need to be diligent and consistent to take time to wait for His arrival and then just be when He shows up. I need to stop being so concerned about this and that, and start focusing on who I am in Christ and how to become more like Him every minute of my day.

So, I challenge you and myself ~ will we stop being so busy and take the time to stop, open the door and let the King of Glory come in and dwell among us? Lets start today and make it an everyday occurance so when He sends someone along our path that needs to meet Him, we can invite them in too.

~ Be Blessed ~

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